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"The Full Portrait Photoshop Action Workflow" from Jackville Photography is an easy way to quickly retouch your portraits.

It's an ALL IN ONE, everything you need to retouch your image is in this workflow action!

Hit play, and you are ready to roll!


Frequency Separation: This technique is used to retouch the skin while keeping it's texture.

Dodge and Burn: The Dodge and the Burn tools lighten or darken areas of the image based on a traditional darkroom technique for regulating exposure on specific areas of the image. Lighten an area (dodging) or increase the exposure to darken areas (burning).

Lips Color: Enhance the color of the lips.

Eyes: Make the eyes pop!

Hairlights: Create definition on the hair with Hairlights

Toning: Play with the color of your image with the Toning section


  • The file type: .ATN
  • Non-Destructive workflow
  • Compatible with Mac and PC
  • Fully adjustable effects settings
  • PDF Installation Instructions are included
  • Compatible with Adobe Photoshop CS6 and up.
  • NOT compatible with Lightroom, Photoshop Elements and earlier versions of Photoshop
This Photoshop action will only work with the English version of Photoshop and will not work with Lightroom or Photoshop Elements.







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